Opinion: Controversial conversations at Baruch College. February 11, 2022.

Greetings Baruch College,

Next week in one of my classes we are reviewing a book that contains controversial writing about the US government, FBI and police. I’m going on the record right now I’m not saying one negative word ever at Baruch College about the US Government, FBI, and police.

Outside of school/CUNY is a different story. I’ll complain all day long when I’m outside of school to people that are NOT connected with CUNY.

Last semester I would skip classes when I knew there was going to be a discussion about a controversial topic.

This semester I want to have a 100 percent attendance record so I’m not skipping any more classes. I’m just going to keep 100 percent quiet. If the professor calls on me for an answer it’s going to be I love the US government, I love the FBI, and I especially love the police. Everyone is doing their best with what they have to work with.

Outside of school I’m launching lawsuits against all of them. I don’t have any points to get across to anyone at CUNY besides I respect everyone with the utmost respect humanly possible.

My goals are to continue to treat everyone at CUNY with the utmost respect at all times and only talk about school never anything personal.

Graduate from CUNY.

Have a positive impact on society.

Get back into an apartment so I don’t have to sleep in the subway.

Thank you and have a great day.

Ever upward,

Mark Pine