Tag Archives: police brutality

The famous in-class Baruch College leg bounce.


Right now, I’m sitting in class. 

I’m not saying a word. 

Two students, one female, one male, sitting next to me are kicking imaginary field goals over and over for 30 minutes at a time from their desks in class. 

This is at a business school that is very difficult to get into.

One student is sitting directly next to me and the other student is sitting right behind him. 

They are kicking imaginary field goals over and over.

I have no idea who the students are.

I’m ignoring them. 

This has been going on in almost all my classes for the last four years; it’s nothing new.  

For the past four years I have dozens of Baruch College students crashing into me, shoving their phones in my face, harassing in the bathroom, in the subway stations near school, and much more. 

I have no idea who any of them are and I never say a word to any of them.

I just move away.

In my opinion, people I know pay New York City law enforcement and their civilian lie and scam team to harass me constantly. 

Of course, NYC law enforcement has Baruch College students harassing me during class. 

Again, I have no idea who they are, I’m not looking at them, I’m not saying a word. 

I just see them out of the corner of my eye. 

The best thing you can do to someone whose job is to start arguments and fights with people on behalf of law enforcement is to ignore them, and that’s what I do. 


I always treat everyone at Baruch College with the utmost respect at all times. 

That includes Baruch College staff, professors, security guards, and students. 

Treating people at Baruch College and CUNY respectfully is more important than anything. 

I never partake in any controversial conversations at Baruch College under any circumstances. 

When I’m at Baruch College, I never say anything controversial, not even close. 

I’m always very cautious regarding the way I act at Baruch College because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

I started my own content/journalism enterprise with the information I’ve learned at Baruch College. 

So far, it’s earned $5.10.

I have new revenue streams opening up. 

Hopefully, the number will increase. 

I would like for more people to find out about how CUNY can help them elevate their lives the way it’s helping me. 

If people saw how much Baruch College and CUNY did for me in the past three years, they would sign up. 

Since I started at CUNY, everything I’ve said at LaGuardia Community College and Baruch College is polite and respectful. 

At Baruch College, I never say anything that’s even close to being offensive or disrespectful to anyone. 

If someone at Baruch College pours a can of paint on my head and throws my laptop and phone out of the window, I won’t react negatively. 

Believe me, it’s been tested.

I will say thank you and walk away. 

The same thing goes for the supermarket, coworking places, gyms, storage place, etc.

My main goals at Baruch College are to treat everyone respectfully and graduate.

I want to clarify a little further because this is so important. 

I’m not giving any opinions in Baruch College classes or to anyone at Baruch College about controversial local, national, or global current events.

Anyone at CUNY can say anything they would like. 

I’m not. 

There are plenty of topics to speak about that aren’t controversial. 

I respect everyone’s opinions. 

Even if a topic isn’t controversial, I’m still very cautious about people’s feelings. 

Anyone can say anything they want at Baruch College to me or in front of me. 

You won’t hear a complaint from me. 

I’m not saying a word about anything even close to controversial. 

Again, if a Baruch College student says every negative thing they can think of about me to my face, takes all my belongings, and throws them out the window of the vertical building, I will say thank you and walk away. 

When I’m at Baruch College, I act like I’m under a microscope at all times. 

There are plenty of places on the internet and outside of Baruch College where I can talk about anything I would like. 

I don’t have any desire to discuss anything close to controversial with anyone at Baruch College.  

I never have, and I never will. 

I don’t socialize with anyone from Baruch College in or outside of Baruch College.

I’m polite, professional, and respectful to Baruch College students when I’m placed in mandatory in-class student groups. 

Once class is over, I respectfully keep to myself due to the massive number (thousands every year) of complaints from New York college students against New York college students. 

I never share any personal contact information with anyone at Baruch College. 

Respectfully, I’m not discussing any controversial local, national, or global current events with anyone at Baruch College.

I’m not complaining about anything to anyone at Baruch College.

Anyone at Baruch College can say anything they want to me or in front of me, and I’m not saying a word. 

While I’m inside Baruch College, I’m only discussing topics that aren’t controversial. 

For example, I like how New York City repaved many of the streets. 

For example, I like the idea pertaining to developing apartments in the Financial District while simultaneously protecting New York City from future storms.

Treating people respectfully is the most important thing for me at CUNY. 

I hope everyone reaches their goals. 

The only person I’m competing with is myself. 

In my spare time I’m trying to raise money from professional accredited investors. 

I’m working on a movie about people who take audio and video out of context with witnesses to get people in trouble. 

For example, people take audio and video from once place to another place with witnesses to get people kicked out of places. 

I’m also working on raising money for a bunch of additional startups. 

If it works out I give a massive amount of credit to the professors and staff at CUNY, including Baruch College and LaGuardia Community College. 

Opinion: law enforcement’s down jacket heat reduction scam.


From my experience law enforcement has a scam for almost every situation. 

NYC law enforcement has billions of dollars and zero oversight. 

I suspect some of law enforcement’s oversight may have killed themselves. 

For years now when I buy down winter jackets, law enforcement and their civilian lie and scam team will either steal them, vandalize them, or remove all the warmth from them. 

I just put on a brand-new winter coat that I bought with my student loans. 

I never wore the coat once. 

When I put it on I noticed it was about half the thickness as when I originally bought it around the body. 

I’m sitting inside now with the winter jacket zipped up for the past couple of hours and there is absolutely no heat at all. 

Law enforcement has perfected methods of removing the heat from down coats. 

Another win for law enforcement. 

Thank you and have a great day. 

Mark Pine 

Opinion: I won’t eat any food that has to be handed to me.


I always treat people who work at supermarkets with the absolute utmost respect at all times because I only eat food from supermarkets.

People I know pay law enforcement to sabotage people’s food. 

I know that 99.9% of people would say no if law enforcement asked them to sabotage people’s food. 

I’m not trying to find out if a person is part of the 0.01%. 

If law enforcement wants to sabotage someone’s food they will send a restaurant hundreds or thousands of customers, offer cash on the spot, or possibly take over the rent for the whole restaurant. 

Law enforcement has endless billions of dollars in New York City. 

I think retired members of the NYPD collect more than 3 billion dollars per year. 

That is why I always treat everyone at supermarkets with the utmost respect at all times no matter what. 

I was just at a supermarket in the financial district. 

I stayed until it was almost closing time. 

Security walked up to me and said they were closed. 

I said no big deal. 

The second security started talking to me, I immediately started the audio recorder on my phone because if I don’t audio record every conversation I have with people outside of Baruch College law enforcement pays people to say Mark Pine is rude and ban me from every place in New York City. 

I only have about half the conversation with the security guard at the supermarket on January 15, 2024 because law enforcement remotely shut off my audio recorder. 

Law enforcement has full remote control access to my laptops and phones. 

Google “FBI Spyware” for more details about that.  

I always treat everyone who works at supermarkets with the utmost respect at all times.

I know that 99.9% of restaurants are amazing, none the less I wouldn’t eat at a restaurant if it was free because law enforcement would ask the restaurant to please allow them to sabotage my food. 

If anyone doesn’t believe law enforcement sabotages people’s food, I hope law enforcement never has you in their sights because you won’t last 10 minutes. 

Law enforcement pays teenage women to try and have sex with me. 

Of course I didn’t fall for it because I’m not in prison. 

Law enforcement pays teenage women to crash into me and pretend they are being attacked. 

Who would believe that goes on? 

Law enforcement pays women and men of all ages to crash into me, shove their phones in my face, rob me, blow drug smoke in my face, and much more. 

Law enforcement doesn’t have the slightest concern about anyone who works for the United States government interfering. 

I’m not saying everyone at the US government goes along with law enforcement’s scams. 

I’m just saying that law enforcement isn’t concerned about people who work for the US government knowing that some law enforcement are breaking the laws. Thank you and have a great day. 
Mark Pine